Do you know your host liquor liability?

As a party host, you probably don’t want to think about your potential liquor liability. But it’s something you’ll want to consider as your party planning gets under way this holiday season. That’s because most states hold party hosts who offer excessive alcohol to...

Hazard-Free Holidays

The holidays are a time to come together, make memories with family and friends and enjoy one another’s company. There’s never a shortage of food and good cheer, and there’s always something to be thankful for. This year, we’ve pulled together some of our most popular...

Top Holiday Pet Safety Tips

The holidays are an exciting time of year full of get togethers, gifts and delicious food. While we’re focused on a season full of parties and fun times, a pet might think differently. Extra noise and visitors can leave pets feeling stressed. As we keep holiday and...

Prepping Your Kitchen for Thanksgiving Dinner

Before the guests arrive and the meal is served, here’s what you need to know about preparing your kitchen before your upcoming Thanksgiving and holiday meals. Appliances We use them throughout the year cooking and preparing meals, but it’s important to make sure your...