9 Life Changes to Tell Your Insurance Agent About

Keeping up with the speed of life is hard. Whether you’re getting married, expecting a baby, or getting ready to downsize, it’s important to talk to your insurance agent about what these changes mean for your insurance needs. Read through the list below to see if any...

Back to College Q & A

Is your child among the million students heading back to college any day now? If so, you’re probably busy helping them gather all the things they need for life away from home. One of the things that you’ll want to discuss with them before they go back to college is...

How to Handle a Windshield Repair

Ever been carefully driving along when—Whack!—a rock hits your windshield? Your eyes scan for damage as you wonder whether you need a windshield repair or a complete windshield replacement. The good news is that a chip or crack doesn’t necessarily mean you need a...

Protect Your Pets from Hot Cars

To a dog, there’s nothing more exciting than going for a ride, having the window rolled down and feeling the wind in your ears. However, when the car stops and owners run a “quick” errand, what can happen to your pet is dangerous. According to the American Society for...