The Add-on Every New Car Needs

Ah, there’s nothing like that new car feeling when you buy a car — that distinct new car smell and the lush interior. The techy gadgets and the sweet sound system. But after you finish selecting all the options you want, there’s one more you might consider. And...

Does Insurance Cover Lost or Stolen Luggage?

You’re on your trip or away from home when something unexpected happens. Your luggage gets lost, or even worse, it’s stolen. Here’s what you need to know and what you can do. The airline lost my luggage About two percent of luggage is lost for every 1,000 passengers...

Auto Fatalities on the Rise, Again

  With so much new car safety technology, it’s hard to believe that traffic deaths would be on the rise. Yet that’s exactly what a new release from the National Safety Council revealed. The organization shared that 40,000 auto fatalities occurred in 2016—which...

9 Things to Know If You Have a Backup Generator

Whether it’s a hurricane or a routine power outage, navigating a dark house is never fun. That’s why many people choose to install backup generators in their homes. A backup generator can power your home until regular electricity resumes. While backup generators can...

What to Know About Winter Car Washes

It’s hardly a secret that winter does a number on your car. One of the biggest culprits is road salt. While road salt is effective for keeping the roads safe, it has the opposite effect on your car. Road salt creates chemical reactions that cause corrosion—with fuel...

14 Hacks to Deal with Snow and Ice on Your Car

Even people who love winter do not enjoy one of the season’s most unpopular jobs: clearing snow and ice off their cars. The good news is that the job can be made easier by following a few simple tips. They include: Turning on your front and rear defrosters as soon as...